Day Fourteen: 7/20/18 Today we woke up at 6:30am. Breakfast was already on the table this morning. I just ate cereal and after, I made my lunch. For some odd reason, I felt like having PB and J sandwich, and I don’t like peanut butter. It was a good morning. I had some time to put my feet in the water and it was lovely. The morning was so calm, and I was able to gather my thoughts and just felt peaceful. Well after that I went to get changed out of my sweats, packed my stuff, and was ready to go. Our first stop at the old 99 county road where there was planting and thinning going on. This was one of the plots. One of the people that stood out to me is Clinton, not Mr. Clinton LOL ;) He was a firefighter forestry manager. He fought fire for 18 years. After looking at that plot, we headed to another up the road. This is a plot where they already had thinned out and didn’t clean up. It “looked bad” but in five years or so, it’ll look healthy and open. I can see how their forests are...
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