Day One: Start of the knowledgeable trip

Day One:


I arrived Heritage University (HU) to prepare for the trip early in the morning around 8:30am. The HU students had already counted inventory and organized the stuff that is provided. They lend me a sleeping bag, tent, backpack (with a water pouch inside), and a headlamp. After we had done everything that was needed to carry on, we had went inside to listening to a guest speaker, Jonalee Squeochs. She talked about climate change and how it would/could affect us in the future and what how it effects the wildlife. The thing that stood out to me is how the lower Yakima valley rivers, canals, and any other water source was too hot for the salmon to come back home. That has a really bad impact on my Yakama Nation cultural ways because fish is one of the traditional foods. This had caught my attention because I participate my in cultural ways. After we had learned and recognized what we could do, we ate and then loaded up to head to the Yakama Nation Mountains to potato hill. We were heading to potato hill. We had arrived around 5:30pm. We were setting up camp close to the base of potato hill. Around 7:30pm we ate dinner. While we were setting up getting things ready, we noticed the infestation of mosquitos and how bad they were in the mountains. It was awful to have to bare them. There was not much we could do. So the night and the View of Mt. Adams was breath taking, I couldn’t have asked for a better night.


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