
Day Fourteen: Last day!!!

Day Fourteen: 7/20/18 Today we woke up at 6:30am. Breakfast was already on the table this morning. I just ate cereal and after, I made my lunch. For some odd reason, I felt like having PB and J sandwich, and I don’t like peanut butter. It was a good morning. I had some time to put my feet in the water and it was lovely. The morning was so calm, and I was able to gather my thoughts and just felt peaceful. Well after that I went to get changed out of my sweats, packed my stuff, and was ready to go. Our first stop at the old 99 county road where there was planting and thinning going on. This was one of the plots. One of the people that stood out to me is Clinton, not Mr. Clinton LOL ;) He was a firefighter forestry manager. He fought fire for 18 years. After looking at that plot, we headed to another up the road. This is a plot where they already had thinned out and didn’t clean up. It “looked bad” but in five years or so, it’ll look healthy and open. I can see how their forests are...

Day Thirteen: Culture Day

Day Thirteen: 7/19/18 Today was a culture day. This day was about the people of the Colville reservation. We learned about the history of the people from our wonderful, respectful, and welcoming guide. Her name is Lucy. Here is her business card. She showed us around to two museums on the reservation. This was for us to learn more about her people and how their life was before the dam. It was amazing to see how similar the Yakama tradition is to the other tribes from Colville. This was actually a long day. We started off in the morning packing up to go to a new camp ground because the one we were at surprisingly hot and all rocky. I didn’t sleep with my air mattress since we were only staying there for a night. We also were able to see the stampede grounds where they have the suicide race. The hill was really steep. At the end of the day, we finally made it to our new camp site. It has shade, a lake, trees, and is grassier. It very comfortable and cozy. The view is amazing. Pro...

Day Twelve: Nun Much

Day twelve: 7/18/18 Today we didn’t really do anything much. We woke up around 7:30am this morning. Today was pack up day. It’s a very slow but fast day. All we had planned today was to get up, eat breakfast, shower, pack up, do our blogs, and then head out to Colville, WA. Everything was alright, but I’m not feeling the best. My wisdom teeth are coming in and is not feeling pleasant. Today is just one of those days.

Day Eleven: Fishy Day

Day Eleven: 7/17/18 Today was a pretty cool day and was also very hot. What we had planned today was to go to the fisheries and see what fish they have and to learn more about how they spawn and what work they are doing to help the fish population grow. They had also talked about the new invasive species called Northern Pike that was introduced illegally and is taking over the habitat of the native fish in the river. Pike are very invasive and they had started eating the fish that’re in the river and destroying the fish population. After going to the fisheries, we went to the “The Cave,” this is what the locals call it. This is located Kalispel, WA. This place was grave site for a women who was crushed by a stone that had fallen off the wall. This cave was made of sand stone, this is also where women would come to sharpen they’re root digging sticks and to ensure the have a successful year gathering for their families. After the caves, we hit the powwow grounds to eat our lunches...

Day Ten: The Pit

Day Ten: 7/16/18 Today in Wellpinit WA, we woke up around 7:30am. We ate breakfast then Warren drove us to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) building where he works. He also introduced us to Brian and Kacie the fish biologist (A.K.A. The fish Doctors), also Kyle and Xavier. We had hit the road to go shock fish at a creek called Little Creek. We were there looking for Red Band trout. I didn’t go and shock fish though. I went to look and collect information on the different forms of life living in this creek. We were able to determine if the water in the creek was clean or not. It was clear that there were much life in the creek and was a good sign already. I was doing this with Pedro and Maria. We had two butterfly like nets. The creek didn’t have a very strong flow so we kind of had to create our own currents. This all took place in Kalispel by the way. The strategy was to put the two nets together as close to the ground and Pedro went a little ways up stream. He kicked roc...

Day Nine: Chilling like a Villain.

Day Nine: 7/15/18 Today was a pretty chill day. We work up around 8:00am or so. We met Warren Seyler, Francis, Francis’s brother, and Jim. They came and brought their drum and sang for us. They all had shown us new songs that they sing. They even allowed us to sing at the dumb with them. It was pretty fun. After drumming we headed to the watch tower. The tower was high, and I’m afraid of heights. I sucked it up and held my breath. I went up to the top and boy that felt like a life time. The view was beautiful, but I was afraid that I was going to die. After the tower and the long trip down, we went swimming in the Spokane River. The water was perfect and it was fun swimming with most of the people. Today was just a really fun and chill day. This is Warren Seyler.. A man who would take the world under his wing, and forever will be a long time friend.


My other computer has stopped working an my other blogs are still on there.. so slight change. I'm going to upload the ones I have on the computer I have now.